Luno Arbitrage

Bitcoin pricing in South Africa is historically more expensive than USD markets. How much more expensive?

This chart plots Luno pricing in ZAR as USD. Newer chart, less history.

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Please allow a few moments for charts to load. Large files to parse.

Zooming is enabled, drag mouse over section to select a shorter time period.


2017-12-13: changed date format to epoch milliseconds in collection script, wiped the history and started again.
2018-02-03: adding USD price chart.
2018-06-07: changed forex API provider as no longer free service
2018-08-05: https enabled site
2018-08-05: new dedicated charts site launched
2018-08-27: fixed exchange rates source after URL changed again
2020-04-28: removed calculation of possible profits chart due to ongoing spikes in data